Case Studies

5G is already preparing for its deployment in the market through the development of new scenarios of employment and use, where the feasibility of the technology applied to specific solutions is put to the test.


5G Anticollision

The 5G Anti Collision pilot project is a warning system that will improve road safety in the future.

Partners: 5G Barcelona, MWCapital, Mercabarna, Orange, Fundació i2CAT, CTTC and the Departament de Polítiques Digitals de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Sector: Industry and transport

Use cases: In this project, the use of 5G networks has brought together different advanced communication and localisation technologies both to monitor two vehicles -in this case, a forklift truck and a bicycle- on a collision course with each other, and also to issue a warning signal to prevent the crash.

Description of the technology:

Both the forklift truck and the bicycle were equipped with an On-board Unit device (OBU) connected to the 5G network which allows for the constant issue and receipt of messages. They were also equipped with another device (HW) necessary for geolocating vehicles accurately, by merging positioning data provided via satellite, autonomous inertial navigation systems that measure the vehicle’s acceleration and rotation and distance measurements based on radio technology, which provides additional accuracy and reliability in challenging and complex environments.
When the system detects a hazard-based on the cyclist’s course, a signal is emitted in order to activate a warning horn and to notify one of the two vehicles of the potential risk of collision.

Main solution or advance offered by technology:

5G technology offers the project extremely low latency guarantees (a very short delay between the issue and receipt of information), universal network availability (broad indoor and outdoor coverage) and scalability (increased capacity) with a view to providing service to a lot of devices at the same time. The pilot trial has also shown that it is feasible to integrate hybrid positioning solutions that increase the accuracy and robustness of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in 5G services when used in combination with communication and UWB positioning systems, inertial navigation systems (INS), and communication between vehicles and infrastructure (V2X).

Status: Finished